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NEXI Workshop on New Technologies and Startup Support
Held at the famous Hotel Chinzanso, Bunkyo-ku , Tokyo, Japan with the presence of top profile investors and company representatives like the CEO, Double Feather Partners, Kohei Muto; CEO and Chairman, NEXI, Atsuro Kuroda; the Director, METI Trade Finance Division, Trade and Economic Bureau, Kei Kawahara, in attendance, and others, the 2023 New Technologies and Startup Support Workshop organized by NEXI was one of its kind.

The four-day event featured pressing topics in line with GX New Technologies, commercial banks’ challenges relative to new technologies, Startup financial initiatives of the MUFG, as well as a brief of the experiences recorded in Africa by the Japanese startup venture capital funders. Other activities like ECA’s presentations and discussions, Excursions (to the TeamLab Planet) also spiced up the days, as guests and participants alike were engaged, enlightened, and entertained concurrently.

As a European PayTech, NEXI has strategically placed itself as one of the largest European participants in digital payments via a comprehensive and individualized suite of easy-to-use, secure, and intuitive solutions. They provide a full variety of cutting-edge solutions for digital payments in card-present and card-not-present acceptance, e-commerce, and multi-channel solutions to banks, small and medium-sized businesses, large international corporations, institutions, and public administrations. Similarly, Double Feather Partners as a key player in the Start-up sector has also positioned itself to provide risk capital and management consulting services to worthwhile enterprises and endeavors, as it also aims to assist in resolving complex socioeconomic problems in emerging markets. And surely, this February 2023 Workshop is most definitely furtherance of that aim.